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Medical English

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Naš program intenzivnog medicinskog engleskog je prilagođen i zdravstvenim radnicima i studentima medicine, kao i pojedincima koji žele poboljšati svoje znanje engleskog radi ličnog obogaćivanja i zdravstvenih razloga.

Bilo da trebate efikasnije komunicirati sa ljekarima ili bolje razumjeti medicinske informacije, ovaj kurs se fokusira na osnovne medicinske vještine engleskog jezika. Kroz praktičnu primjenu i zanimljivo obrazovno okruženje, program osigurava da svi studenti razviju jezične vještine potrebne za uspjeh u komunikaciji u zdravstvu.

Na prvi pogled

8 sedmičnih ciklusa



Small Class Sizes

6 prilagođenih nivoa

Key Components

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Role-play and

Medical Texts

Course Details


Content Focus 

Basics of medical terminology, body terms, and the integumentary system. It covers the structure and etymology of medical terms, including abbreviations and symbols.

Skills Developed

Understanding and usage of medical terminology in reading and professional healthcare communication contexts. Role-playing healthcare provider-patient dialogues.



By the end of this level, students will accurately pronounce and use medical vocabulary related to basic body systems and engage in practical communication through role-plays.


Content Focus

The Skeletal, Muscular, Cardiovascular, Lymphatic, and Immune systems.

Skills Developed

Students engage in role-plays to apply vocabulary in healthcare provider-patient interactions and improve comprehension of medical texts related to these systems.



Use medical terms related to anatomy and physiology for professional communication and interpret medical texts.


Content Focus

Respiratory, Digestive, Nervous Systems, Mental Health, and Special Senses.

Skills Developed

Understanding terminology for diseases, conditions, procedures, and treatments. Continued use of dialogues for patient interactions.



Students will improve their ability to analyze medical texts and engage in professional dialogues using specific vocabulary for these systems.


Content Focus

Endocrine, Urinary, Male and Female Reproductive systems.

Skills Developed

 Advanced communication for complex medical terms and procedures, along with professional dialogues.



Application of complex medical vocabulary in patient dialogues and reading advanced medical texts, focusing on detailed notes and discussion.


Content Focus

Medical Assistance, Safety and Environment, Communication, Administrative Practices, and Applied Anatomy.

Skills Developed

Focus on practical applications like infection control, patient reception, and professional communication.



Proficient use of medical terminology in various professional healthcare settings, emphasizing the ability to communicate clearly in patient and colleague interactions.


Content Focus

Clinical practices, assisting with diagnostics and therapeutics, and basic pharmacology.

Skills Developed

Complex communication scenarios such as patient interviews and assisting with medical exams and procedures. Emphasizes pharmacological terminology and integration with healthcare communication.



Effective communication in clinical settings, enhanced through role-playing scenarios, advanced reading, and comprehension of diagnostic and treatment procedures.

HOUSTON - Najveći svjetski medicinski centar u zemlji

  • Teksaški medicinski centar (TMC) najveća je svjetska destinacija za nauku o životu, sa 61 institucijom, 106.000 zaposlenih i preko 160.000 posjetitelja dnevno.

  • Hjuston ima preko 20.000 ustanova za zdravstvenu njegu i socijalnu pomoć, uključujući 180 bolnica, 680 ustanova za njegu i stambenu negu i više od 13.000 pružalaca ambulantnih zdravstvenih usluga.

  • Zdravstveni radnici zapošljavaju skoro 7% radne snage u području Houstona.

  • Gradske bolnice se rutinski rangiraju među najbolje u zemlji, a mnogi liječnici i hirurzi u Hjustonu se smatraju broj jedan u svojim oblastima.

  • Teksaška dječja bolnica je međunarodno priznata po izuzetnoj sveobuhvatnoj njezi i inovativnim istraživanjima.

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