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Біздің жеке тіл курстары шағын сыныптар, тәжірибелі нұсқаушылар және жоғары технологиялық, тартымды ортада толық тілдік дағдыларды дамытуға бейімделген кешенді оқу жоспары бар жекелендірілген, иммерсивті оқытуды ұсынады.

Intensive English

BEI’s Intensive English Program (IEP) is a comprehensive, full-time course designed for students of all language levels to enhance their grammar, reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills while gaining confidence in using English. Approved for F-1 international students, the program also provides valuable insights into American culture. We offer flexible morning and evening schedules at multiple locations in the Houston area. By participating, students can improve their proficiency, expand their cultural understanding, and prepare for academic or professional success.

Everyday English

Our Everyday English classes will help students build essential communication skills for social and professional settings, with a focus on practical vocabulary, cultural knowledge, and grammar structures. This course integrates all core language skills, allowing you to gain confidence and proficiency in real-world situations. Ideal for working professionals, this class empowers students to converse in everyday interactions and expand opportunities in their personal and professional lives.


TOEFL Prep at BEI is a specialized course designed to prepare students for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). We cover all key sections, including Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. We provide in-depth guidance on exam tasks, strategies, and academic skills through targeted lessons and practice simulations. By completing this course, students may improve their test performance, enhance their academic language proficiency, and work to meet their educational or professional goals.

Convenient and Customizable Options

Our ESL programs online offer the flexibility to learn English from the comfort of your home without compromising quality. With engaging virtual lessons taught by experienced instructors, students focus on practical language skills tailored to their individual goals. These programs are perfect for anyone looking to improve their English while balancing a busy schedule.

Біздің бағдарламалар

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Ағылшын тілі бағдарламасы

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TOEFL дайындық сабақтары

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