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Izinqubomgomo ezingezansi zisisiza ukuthi siqinisekise ukuthi abafundi, abafundisi, nabasebenzi bonke banolwazi olungcono kakhulu e-BEI.

Inqubomgomo Yemfihlo Yekhasimende

E-Bilingual Education Institute, siyabuhlonipha ubumfihlo bamakhasimende ethu futhi sizimisele ukubuvikela. Le nqubomgomo ichaza ukuthi siqoqa, silusebenzisa kanjani, futhi sidalula kanjani ulwazi lomuntu siqu mayelana namakhasimende ethu.

Inqubomgomo Yokuhambela

I-Bilingual Education Institute idinga ubuncane bezinga elilandelayo lokuba khona lapho umuntu ethweswa iziqu: 80% wokuba khona okuhlanganisiwe.

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Inqubomgomo Yokukhansela

Sicela ubuyekeze idokhumenti engezansi ukuze uthole imibuzo mayelana nokukhansela nokuthola imbuyiselo.

Inqubomgomo Yobumfihlo Yewebhusayithi

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